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Foundations in Health ![]() ![]() ![]()
August 04, 2017 09:14 AM
The key to a house that will last for a long time is a strong foundation. The same goes for your health. In nutritional therapy, there are five pillars of foundational health. When these pillars are very weak, opportunities for many different degenerative conditions are introduced. Through this lens, taking charge of your overall health becomes a lot more accessible. If you ignore the foundation, that will lead to relying on pharmaceuticals or other conventional therapies. Key Takeaways:
"The five pillars of foundational health are digestion, blood sugar balance, mineral balance, fatty acid balance and hydration. Holding these essential components together is a whole foods diet." Read more:
( L-glutamine as we age! ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 01, 2013 10:51 AM
Some medical conditions can lower the levels of glutamine like infections, surgery, injuries and prolonged stress, it is advisable that you take a glutamine supplements in order to boost its level in the body. L-glutamine also helps in the following health conditions;
L-glutamine reduces as we age This amino acid is mostly stored in muscles and the lungs. As muscle mass decrease with age so does the production of L-glutamine throughout the body. L-glutamine is primarily produced in the muscles, this accounts for 90% of the L-glutamine that is synthesized in the body, so aka less muscle means less glutamine. It is also produced in small amounts in the brain plus the liver but the liver more or less regulates the levels in the blood and is a large consumer of this amino acid. When glutamine levels drop, a supplement or foods high in L-glutamine should be consumed. Some studies have shown this amino acid to greatly reduce the healing time of healing for the patients who undergo surgery in the hospitals. In case one has an abdominal surgery, the hospital stay time can be reduced by providing parental nutrition of this supplement. Some of the dietary sources of L-glutamine
Small amounts of L-glutamine are also found in vegetable juices. Diets that are enriched with L-glutamine have been known to maintain cellular function as well as maintain a strong gut barrier. This suggests that this amino acid helps to protect the walls and the lining of the mucosa and gastrointestinal tract. Some of those people who may be having inflammatory bowel disease or crohn's disease might not be having enough of the it in the body. pH balancing This amino acid is a strong carbon downer, this helps in refilling the cycle of citric acid and regulation of the acid balance in the bodies kidneys by way of producing and eliminating ammonia. More Benefits:
The List Goes On And On, have you had enough glutamine today?
( Supplements and natural herbs for stomach acid defense ![]() ![]() ![]()
November 06, 2012 12:24 PM
Everything works well when there is a balance. When we talk about human body, a slight change in the balances of the body fluids content can have drastic effects on the whole body. Stomach acid defense is a body mechanism, in which the stomach balances the required amount of acid inside the stomach. Sometimes due to many reasons this balance is difficult to maintain and the problem of acidity and acid reflux starts. However the treatment of this problem is very easy and you have a variety of options to treat your acidity. You can select the one option that suits you best. Supplements for stomach acid defense: The following are the popular supplements used for the stomach acid imbalance. GLA: The saliva in the mouth prevents the acidity from being worse. You can try taking GLA supplement for treating your problem. This supplement increases the fatty acid GLA and produces more saliva. Enzymes: Protease, amylase and lipase supplements are used for acidity in stomach. There are many quality enzymes supplements available in the market. Antacids: The antacids are popular for neutralizing the acid balance in the stomach. They are best treatment for acidity and heart burn. You can take a supplement rich in antacids for acidity. Natural herbal treatment for stomach acid defense: Nature has the healing power and it is best to use for any treatment. Following herbs are used widely for treating the acidity problem in the stomach: Chicory tea: People who have problem of acidity must take chicory tea as it is best for relieving the pain of the acidity. It relaxes the walls of the stomach and treats the indigestion issues. Lavender: Lavender is used in many recipes and herbal medicines. It is well known for its usage in prevention of excess stomach acid. People with acidity must take lavender through their diet or any other way in their daily routine. Fennel: Fennel is famous for treatment of gas, cramps and pain of the stomach. Fennel tea is popular for its miraculous effects on the digestion process of the body. You can treat the acidity of your stomach just by drinking a cup of fennel tea. Above treatments are well known for reducing the effects of acidity and indigestion in the body. They have effective ingredients and instant effects in maintaining the acid balance of the body.
( Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) - for Healthy Heart, Joints, and other Body systems ![]() ![]() ![]()
June 03, 2005 05:43 PM
Essential fatty acids are enormously important to your health. They are the building blocks for phospholipids, and phospholipids are the building blocks for your cell membranes – the protective layer and gatekeeper of your cells. A good essential fatty acid balance provides building blocks for healthy cells, but an imbalance can lead to critical health concerns. Source Naturals introduces NKO™ Neptune Krill Oil, the first product featuring phospholipids specially integrated with omega-3 essential fatty acids for building healthy cell membranes. It also includes antioxidant protection. In human studies, NKO supplementation supported healthy joints, the heart, lipid and blood sugar levels, energy production, athletic performance and liver function, and eased women’s PMS symptoms. Support Your Protective Cell Membranes Source Naturals brings you the science of natural NKO™ Neptune Krill Oil, the only product to boast significant healthinducing potencies from three different important nutritional categories: omega- 3 fatty acids, phospholipids and antioxidants. These three nutrients work together to support healthy cell membranes, joints, the heart and many other body systems. And NKO eases PMS symptoms for women. Multiple Benefits of Krill NKO™ Neptune Krill Oil has many benefits. Unlike fish oil products, NKO doesn’t contain dangerous levels of mercury or lead, doesn’t go rancid quickly and has a clean, fresh taste. Made from hearty krill, shrimp-like crustaceans that thrive in the harsh Antarctic waters, it is the only product to contain phospholipids specially integrated with omega-3 essential fatty acids. This unique structure provides important cell membrane building blocks in the ratios used by the body and may be far better utilized than stand-alone phospholipid or omega- 3 products. The result: stronger cell membranes that function better to maintain your health. The desirable composition of NKO, high in omega-3 essential fatty acids, also provides a healthy balance. High levels of omega-6 fatty acids, such as from processed foods, enable your cell membranes to initiate over-production of certain prostaglandins that can lead to cellular irritation, heart system imbalances and other concerns. But omega-3 fatty acids can reverse that trend. Omega-3 fatty acids such as DHA and EPA (docosahexaenoic and eicosapentaenoic acids) compete with arachidonic acid for building blocks, such as the COX-2 enzyme, and can instead lead to balanced levels of the many different types of prostaglandins. The result: cellular comfort, heart health and many other healthy body systems. NKO also contains natural antioxidants, which are cell membrane protectors. Each serving contains 100 IU of vitamin A and a very high level, 1.5 mg, of astaxanthin, an immune-supporting carotenoid, which can be used to guard your cell membranes from free radical damage. And NKO 100% pure krill oil is manufactured by Neptune Technologies & Bioresources Inc. in adherence to all environmental harvesting standards. Source Naturals is pleased to partner with your local health food store to bring you NKO™ Neptune Krill Oil. Try this unique, potent and comprehensive product for your better health today.
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